St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis Holiday Vacation with CQ World-Wide CW Contest For the American Thanksgiving Holiday this year my wife Chris and I are going to first travel to Puerto Rico (KP4) and stay a few days. I have no plans to operate from there. [...]


France, Jersey and Guernsey

Summer of 2014 in France, Jersey and Guernsey ​   The dates and Quick links: F/WJ2O/M - 4 to 7 July 2014 - DXpedition Summary GJ/WJ2O/M - 8 to 11 July 2014 - DXpedition Summary GU/WJ2O/M - 12 to 15 July 2014 - DXpedition Summary [...]



Bonaire WPX Contest Team - PJ4J We're getting the team back together. The same guys who ran the 2012 ARRL CW DX Contest from Suriname Ken, N2ZN Redd, AI2N Dave, WJ2O are going to operate the PJ4G contest station for the CQ WPX CW Contest.The [...]


Cayman Islands

Seven days on Seven Mile Beach. We're in Christopher Columbus Condos where the very famous Cottage #24 owned by Marty Kaiser, W3VCG / ZF2AK, is located. My wife Chris and I will sharing this vacation spot with Rick, KF4ZZ, and his wife Kay, KB9QYM. Rick and I met during [...]
