Guadeloupe for CQ World-Wide CW Contest

Plans are in place for my XYL and I to spend a week on this lovely island in November. I will operate in the CQ World-Wide CW Contest as a SOAB LP entry. Quick links: FG DXpedition Summary


Malta, 9H6A

Going to spend a week on the Island of Malta in the Mediterranean. This will include being a member of a multi-multi team operating the CQ World-Wide Phone contest. Quick links: 9H DXpedition Summary


Heard Island, Antartica

Getting ready for Antarctica. At this point, the trip has been pushed off until March 2016. Stay tuned, anything could change. Lots of details to work out. Bob Schmeider, KK6EK is the organizer of this trip. I have had two previous trips with Bob, [...]


Secret Cove, Dominica

ARRL 2016 CW Contest from a Tree House My wife and I are staying at a place called Secret Bay on Dominica. It is on the Northwest coast which should be a good shot into the United States.During the contest I'll operate SOAB using the [...]


Volcán, Panamá

Get-Away to the Panamanian Jungle Going to spend a few days with Jay, HP3AK, at his jungle QTH on the Western side of Panama. The QRV dates are 7 to 12 January with travel days on each side. There's no contest. Will try to [...]
