9Y – Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Dates: 25 to 30 November 2015

Callsign: 9Y4/WJ2O

9Y – Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago 2025-01-20T02:05:45-05:00

The Set-Up

I always pack a couple of counterpoise wire coils cut for a quarter-wave at each ham band. I’m never quite sure what I’m going to encounter at each new location but I try to make the best of it. I ask the hotel for an upper floor and if the handrail is metal that makes the best signal.
Going to an island and not sure where to operate? No problem, just stick up an antenna anywhere.

The Station

Getting set-up before leaving. This is what the equipment looks like in my garage before packing up.
Everything works at the hotel. It’s always a nice feeling when you get everything in place and it works!
Here’s the Tarheel II attached to the hotel top floor balcony.

The Hotel

Front desk. This is the Hilton Hotel in Port of Spain, Trinidad. It is also known as the “upside down hotel” because the floors are numbered backwards. We were on the 1st floor which is the top floor at 8 stories up.

View from the Hotel You can see downtown Port of Spain from the hotel balcony.

Dead band medicine. When band conditions are not that good you can always take your honey to the wine bar.

Mandatory Ham Radio Poses

The Dauer
The Gentry

9Y4/WJ2O QSL Card



Getting a License

My permit is a booklet. It was issued by the ARRL. To learn more go to their website by following this link http://www.arrl.org/iarp

Dave at His Station

Equipment: Elecraft K3 Transceiver Dell Inspiron Mini Laptop Little Tarheel II Screwdriver Antenna 12 volt Power Supply
CQ World-Wide Raw Score
We drove to NYC from home the day before our flight. The next morning flew into Port of Spain.
We enjoyed a non-stop flight to Port of Spain, Trinidad on Caribbean Airlines from JFK. Here is our first glimpse of the island.
We drove to NYC from home the day before our flight. The next morning flew into Port of Spain.