Putting up the Yagi
5:1 on 20 and 15 but ok on 10 meters. I don’t think this will be acceptable.
I can’t pass a continuity check through this trap so let’s take it apart. Oh, the end of the coil had snapped off.
No problem, wrap some copper around it.
And scrunch it back in.
A regular screwdriver would be nice but we’re in the Caribbean.
A regular screwdriver would be nice but we’re in the Caribbean.
Now we’re down to about 2:1. What’s this duck taped joint?
Interesting, the holes are back by the duct tap but it was pushed in up to where my tumb is? I don’t know why but it made 10 meters tune ok?
Let’s measure to be sure.
Working fine now. Below 1.3:1 everywhere. We attached one leg of the 160 meter long wire and the center point of the 80 meter dipole.
Let’s hoist this sucker . . .
. . . and straighten out the coax.
Second Place World in the ARRL CW DX Contest.
Traveling to Montserrat
Here’s a map of the Northern portion of our trip. It’s about a 1 hour drive from my home in McConnellsville, NY to our first airport in Syracuse. From here we hop to Newark, NJ.
This map has us in the Caribbean stopping in Antigua before boarding to Montserrat