LX – Bourscheid, Luxembourg

Dates: 24 to 25 June 2015

Callsign: LX/WJ2O and LX/K2KAR

LX – Bourscheid, Luxembourg 2024-04-06T15:04:09-05:00

Country Four of 10

Luxembourg is the fourth of 10 DXCC Entities that we plan to visit during our Central Europe Trip. Total QSO statistics for Luxembourg can be seen here.

Bourscheid, Luxembourg

Cocoon Hotel Belair in Bourscheid, Luxembourg.

Entering Luxembourg


Luxembourg. A typical unceremonious border crossing in the Euro Zone. In the U.S. we have huge billboards telling us we crossed into another state.

Bourscheid Castle

In front of Bourscheid Castle

In front of Bourscheid Castle

Bourscheid Castle Inside

Inside the castle.

on the top of Bourscheid Castle

On top of the castle

Cocoon Hotel Belair

Cocoon Hotel Belair

Cocoon Hotel Belair
Yep, that’s where we stayed last night. Somehow it used to seem bigger?

Eating Time

Dinner in Luxembourg

Dinner Luxembourg style.

deserts in Luxembourg

Eating our just deserts in Luxembourg.


LX Ham Time

Karen operating from the mobile

Karen, LX/K2KAR operating from the mobile.

Luxembourg Gentry

Luxembourg Gentry

Luxembourg Gentry

Luxembourg Gentry

Luxembourg Dauer

Luxembourg Dauer.

Luxembourg Dauer

Luxembourg Dauer.


LX/K2KAR and LX/WJ2O QSL Card front
LX/K2KAR and LX/WJ2O QSL Card back


With the understanding of how the CEPT Licensing Agreement works, we assigned ourselves the callsigns LX/K2KAR and LX/WJ2O.

Trip Statistics Report

Operating Mobile.

Dave, WJ2O, setting up in Bourscheid

Dave, WJ2O, setting up in Bourscheid, Luxembourg

Karen, LX/K2KAR operating from the mobile

Karen, LX/K2KAR operating from the mobile.


The Mobile set-up:

Connection to the battery

Connection to the battery

Connection to the battery

Connection to the battery

antenna attached to trunk lip

Tarheel telescoping antenna attached to trunk lip

antenna attached to trunk lip

Travel Route

Bourscheid, Louxembourg was the 3rd stop and 4th country of our Central Europe Trip.

Road to Luxembourg

Luxembourg. A typical unceremonious border crossing in the Euro Zone. In the U.S. we have huge billboards telling us we crossed into another state.