Part of the downtown, note the bullring on the right. A tradition still kept from the Spaniards.
I visited mainland Colombia and stayed in Bogotá for a few days. I visited the city and went to the Gold Museum and some other interesting features of the city. I also had time to operate for a while at the QTH of Rob- HK3CW my tourist guide for a day.Gold piece from the Gold Museum in downtown Bogotá.
Bogotá or El Dorado?
Gold raft. The Spaniards were after the Legend of El Dorado. Seems the legend was true as witnessed from this gold raft discovered in a small lagoon close to Bogotá. The Chieftain would cover his body in gold and plunge into the water, after which the remaining individuals would throw gold objects into the lagoon.
I spent the day with Rob- HK3CW. Here we are tasting that fine Colombian coffee at the Gold Museum.
After a short walk in the rain, passed by the Ministry of Communications and the Plaza de Bolívar we had a snack at “La Puerta Falsa” a traditional- tavern like place where we had a typical “Bogotano” breakfast.
We later visited a mall in the north of Bogotá where I got some gifts for my peeps back home.
Small lunch. When I saw the pig in the logo I knew I fit it.
Gold piece featured at the Gold Museum in Bogotá. The tag says it is an insect but to me it looks strangely like an air craft.
A man needs to have protection.. Having dinner at a great seafood restaurant.
QSL By Cheap QSO Cards
Licensing: The license used for San Andres (HKØ/WJ2O & 5JØNA) was good to operate from any place in Colombia. For more info on getting a license in HK click on my San Andres operation.
Here I am at Rob´s Place (HK3CW). I operated for a few hours from Bogotá. I had a pretty decent run. Notice the morse code key collection on the upper left? I put a couple in my bag… hope Rob does not miss them!
Hexbeam – 30 mt. DipoleI traveled to Bogotá directly after our San Andres operation. A local flight despite being in the middle of the Caribbean and almost in front of Nicaragua.
I´ll definitely miss Colombia.