SP – Suwałki, Poland

Dates: 31 May to 2 June 2013

Callsign: SP/WJ2O/M

SP – Suwałki, Poland 2025-01-17T01:48:50-05:00
My visit to Poland was published! This was a picture posted on page 20 of the April 2014 issue of QST. What an honor to be recognized in such a prestigious ham radio publication.
Suwałki, Poland
I wish to thank Henryk Kolowski, SM0JMF, for meeting us that day, taking and photo and submitting it to the ARRL.

The President´s House

President’s residence, Poland
Out front of the President’s residence (Polish equivalent to the White House). The umbrella guy is Henryk, SMØJHF.
Roman is from the Ukraine but we spent the last couple of days here in Warsaw together. We both were also on Clipperton Island together and we’re giving this presentation about that trip to a group of hams here. This is the home of Marian, SP5EWX, and we had a great barbecue here (Polish sausage, of course)
President’s residence in Poland
The President’s Residence.
Dave The Projector Operator. Speaking in Polish, Roman did all the talking while I handled the a/v equipment.
Dave in Poland
Roman, US5WDX


SP/WJ2O/M QSL Card Front
SP/WJ2O/M QSL Card back
CEPT Licensing Agreement
With the understanding of how the CEPT Licensing Agreement works, I assigned myself the callsign SP/WJ2O/M.
Dave's Equipment in Warsaw, Poland
Seated at the station belonging to Marian, SP5EWX. Warsaw, Poland.
Dave operating in Warsaw, Poland
On a Saturday morning and we’re at the home of Ryszard, SP5EWY. Warsaw, Poland.

Travel Route: