KH8 – Pago Pago, American Samoa

Dates: 14 to 19 June 2018

Callsign: KH8/WJ2O

KH8 – Pago Pago, American Samoa 2025-01-19T21:57:31-05:00

Preparing the Equipment at Home

Dxpedition equipment
DXpedition equipment assembled and working. Time to pack it up. My poor beat up K3 Classic. It’s been to many countries and it sports quite a few dents and scratches, but it’s still ticking. This is the first time the KPA500 & KAT500 have left my house though. Notice my brand spanking new Begali. Just purchased at Dayton Hamvention Besides American Samoa and Fiji, this is the station we will use as KH7Z/mm. 20 Meters only aboard ship.

The Antenna

Installing Antenna
Fixing Antenna
New Antenna
The Antenna

The Hotel – Sadies by the Sea

Hotel in Pago Pago, American Samoa
It’s a great draft beer made in Samoa but consumed in American Samoa.
Breakfast in Pago Pago, American Samoa
Car Number Plate in Samoa
Sadie's Hotels
Beautiful mountains in Pago Pago, American Samoa
A beautiful view in Pago Pago, American Samoa
Lunch in Sadie's hotels
Best lunch in Sadie's hotel
Sadie's Hotel
With my friend in hotel
Dxpedition team
Dxpedition team on work

Enjoying Island Life

Enjoying Island life in Pago Pago, American Samoa
Happy Father’s Day back in the States. I salute you.

The Tradewinds Hotel

The Tradewinds Hotel
Inside Tradewinds Hotel
Tradewinds Hotel

KH8 QSL Card

KH8 QSL Card Front
KH8 QSL Card back

QSO count
Due to band conditions and my location on the island, my QSO Count was very low.
Trip Statistics Report
KH8/N1DG at the mic
KH8/N1DG at the mic
Operating team

Traveling the South Pacific

I start in KH8 first, flying into Pago Pago from Hawaii on Hawaiian Airlines.
Travel route to South Pacific