I had a very enjoyable visit to Casa Jay, HP3AK. Only having a few days, I spent them concentrating on the low bands.The weather was beautiful every day and the countryside offers many picturesque views.Jay offers his ham shack which includes a place to sleep for rent. He has a full amplified station and an assortment of antennas. Besides shuttle service to and from the airport, we toured the countryside to the many available restaurants. You can contact him via E-mail: HP3AK@JayMills.com.

You have to like dogs if you’re going to visit and Jay has a wonderful family of them. Jay with his dogs, Rex, Sol and Luna.
Getting There

So Far So Good. I’ve made my first hop from Syracuse to Newark. Enjoying a libation while waiting for my overnight flight to Panama City.

Panama in the Morning. Now all I have to do is get on this flight to David.

Here we are. Just arrived in David.

Here’s Jay Waiting. My first glimpse of Jay as I was in the baggage room.
The Station

Plug ‘n Play. I just come into the shack, plug in my K3 and laptop and I’m on the air in minutes.

Here’s the other angle

Amplifiers. Plenty of RF here

Working Hard. Here’s Jay tuning the 160m cage antenna.

Tower 1. SteppIR for 20 through 6 meter and the 160m cage.

Tower 2.
2 Elements on 40 and 4 on 6 meters. cage.
Delta Loop. I stole this image from Jay’s QRZ.com page.
About Town

Grocery shopping.
A fully stocked grocery store as you would expect at home.
La Carbonera Restaurante. Quite an assortment of fine restaurants.

Mana Restaurante

Enjoy. Excellent local lager.

Dave, WJ2O and Jay, HP3AK.

Lots of hams live here. Kirby, KC1BSJ and Azel, WDØCAE.

Rex and I.
Ever Important Ham Radio Poses

The Gentry

The Dauer

I used the same IARP that was issued by the ARRL for my 9Y (Trinidad) trip.To learn more about IARP licensing go to the ARRL website by following this link http://www.arrl.org/iarp

Traveling to Panama

The usual first leg of every trip is getting out of New York. During this trip it required that I drive to our local Syracuse Hancock International Airport. Then board a small jet to get to Newark International Airport in New Jersey.

Because you can’t get a late flight to David from Panama City you either have to spend the night in Panama City or do what I did. I took an overnight flight from Newark so I show up in Panama first thing in the morning. Once in David I was picked up by my host and we are off to Volcán.