Hotel Crillón in Buenos Aires

Hotel Crillón
Avenida Santa Fe 796
1059 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: 541-312-8181
Fax: 541-312-9955
Avenida Santa Fe 796
1059 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: 541-312-8181
Fax: 541-312-9955
From my window on the seventh floor I was completely surrounded by other buildings. I placed the Hustler mobile whips out the window and heard absolutely nothing. I decided this wasn’t a hotel for hamming and spent more time sightseeing.
Argentina Radio Club

Very impressive front entrance. The address is 1424 Carlos Calvo.

Antennas. The dipoles where strung across the street and attached to the buildings there.

Bulletin board. Inside the club.
Around Town

9th of July Avenue Avenida Nueve de Julio is the main thoroughfare in Buenos Aires. That date is significant as their independence day in 1816. The street is also famous as it is the widest in the world measuring 144 meters.

Times square? Many of the buildings along the 9th of July Avenue light up at night resembling Times Square in New York City.

Oblask. This is the center of Buenos Aires which is marked by an Obelisk that was built in 1936. It commemorates 300 years since the first settlement.

Street Artisan. I purchased a drawing from her.

New construction. There was a lot happening in this city!

The President’s house. The flag is up which means the president is in.

Statue. I previously had thought Iceland had a lot of statues. But here in Buenos Aires there is a statue to symbolize most anything.

Human Statue

Tall ship.

Street musicians

Airport From Tarmac. Sorry for the bad focus.

Inside, A gate waiting area inside the terminal

The plain to Miami. Aerolinas Argentinas only 8 hours to Miami.

You can get an application from the ARRL.It just asks basic information that you send to:
Radio Club Argentino
Carlos Calvo 1424
1102 Buenos Aires
The club is the national amateur radio society in Argentina, and it mediates between the applicant and the administration for smooth issuance of a permit. My stay in Argentina was a last minute addition to my trip so I didn’t apply until the 4th of August. The permit was dated 5 September and my office had it shortly thereafter. As I was already on my trip at this point I had my office fax a copy to me.

Kenwood TS-940 Transceiver
486-DX laptop
Heathkit Micromatic Keyer
Hustler mobile whips
Kenwood TS-940 Transceiver
486-DX laptop
Heathkit Micromatic Keyer
Hustler mobile whips

Customs had me open my cases. They said something in Spanish and all I could respond was “Radioaficionado” (Radio Amateur) which seemed to work as they waved me through.
Customs had me open my cases. They said something in Spanish and all I could respond was “Radioaficionado” (Radio Amateur) which seemed to work as they waved me through.

I took a Aerolineas Argentinas flight from Miami. It was only 8 hours to Buenos Aires.