Octavio, YN2N, and his wife are the most gracious hosts. They made my stay very enjoyable and comfortable. Martha is a most excellent cook and prepared wonderful abundant meals every day.
Dave, WJ2O, Martha and Octavio, YN2N
QTH of Martha and Octavio YN2N
The magical kitchen. Where all Martha’s nice meals come from.
Very spacious living room.
The driveway here is lined with an assortment of fruit trees. This is the dry season. Everything needs water.
Flowering Bush. This nice flowering plant is known as Buganvilia, although it has a variety of names in several countries.
Name The Nut. A nut is derived from this fruit. Guess which one?
Dipoles and Yagis and Quads . . . oh my!
Check out this driven element is where the QSB starts.
I’m beaming a signal in your direction. Do you copy? Over . . .
Main tower
Closeup of the tribander
Home Cooked Meals
Just a light lunch. Good home light cooking.
Huevos Octavio. You gotta love these eggs in the morning named after it’s inventor, Octavio.
Homemade lemon pie. With the fruit grown on premises.
Pie eating contest. Not really, however Octavio and I sure did enjoy it.
Visiting Granada
Like most small towns in Latin America the church is always in the main plaza.
The oldest church in Granada.
This vendor is taking the painting I just purchased off the frame for easy transport.
Horse and carriages rides are offered in Granada downtown.
Day Trip to San Juan del Sur
Nicaragua Pacific Coast beach.
Great lunch fish and shrimp. That’s my salad in the goblet.
Nicaragua Gentry with 2 DXCC entities in the background.
Mountain side, probably rich in iron due to the red color.
Our guide in YN
Jesus statue in San Juan del Sur.
El Timon Restaurant sign, El timón es helm.
Day Trip to Lake Granada and The National Volcano
Drive to the Volcano and Lake Granada.
Returning Home
Traffic circle. Finding our way home.
Overhanging trees. This is a lovely stretch of road where the trees grew over the road and intertwined.
Managua International Airport.
Saying Good-bye. Going to miss this very nice gentleman and friend.
Shops. Inside the terminal and at the gates it’s just like any other modern day airport with shops.
Yaesu FT950 TransceiverDrake L4 Amplifier
Green Heron Radio Boss Rig Interface
Dell Inspiron Mini Laptop
Bencher Paddles
80 m Dipole for 80 & 40 M40 m 2 el cubical quad beaming 30 deg Europe
40 m wire 3 el yagi beam the pacific 290 deg
60 m sloper dipole
30 m sloper dipole
20, 15, 10 m beam A3S
17 m 2 el quad
12 m 3 el yagi
6 m 3 el quad
I used some of my American Airlines points and was fortunate to get First Class/Business Class seats.